Posted by: mmartininycmarathon | January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!

HAPPY 2010!

So, it is 2010 and I didn’t actually write a 2009 year in review as most of my fellow runner bloggers did, however, considering I did my first ever marathon in the greatest city in the world 2009 was by far the best year of my entire life. No summary really needed, just the long lasting memories of  new and wonderful experiences and people I met.

Onto 2010!

For the start of this year has the typical energy and allure of starting over, pursuing new goals and making those resolutions. For me, its about finding my true passion and if running truly is. I sincerely believe it is, as I have been at this for a few years and seriously running for a year. I could literally put up my shoes and retire them away since I achieved one of the greatest goal to any human, the 26.2 mile marathon.

However, I have learned that running isn’t about the distance you run or how fast you run it, but more about the lifestyle that comes with it. The 2009 Marathon training season taught me so much about myself and how I want my life to be, and while in training I felt my life was so much better, so much more focused and the self satisfaction every human desires, I had every single day. The biggest struggle for me is learning how to incorporate a new running regimen into my life and how far I am able to push that.

You ask any serious runner and they will  tell you that running makes their life better. Running for me, makes my life better.

So going back to this usual new years resolution/goals. For me I have a couple of goals in mind for my running. I have to start continuing the start-up of my training for the January 24th Grand Prix Half Marathon. I seriously don’t feel like I am totally prepared and hope in two weeks I can make some decent progress on the training. For once in a long time, I seriously am unsure of how I will do and I really don’t think a PR is in my near future.

Some of the other “highlights” for 2010 will be all the numerous NYRR road races that I plan on signing up for and running.

March ___ (TBD) a few of my sister’s friends have been inspired to run and plan on doing a 5k race in Central NJ. I told them if they train and actually run I will run the race with them and help them cross that finish line. I put this as a highlight because I know how wonderful it was to be part of a “real” race and to run and finish something that led to so many great things and I truly hope they all follow through on their resolution.

On Saturday, May 14th I plan on running the Ragner Relay Race which consists on running as a team (different legs) from Woodstock, NY to NYC. It will  cover  175 miles and will be done with some of my closest running friends.

September 24th-September 26th me and my friend Anisha will be running the Lake Tahoe Triple Marathon. Yes, triple is three and the marathon is 26.2. It is the first of it’s kind I have ever heard about and from what I hear it will be the biggest challenge and one of the biggest races for me this year. Beginning on Friday we will complete three marathon distance races totaling 78.6 miles in one weekend ending on Sunday. Let’s just say I will probably need a full week to recover from this one.

November 7th. Should I go any further? Yes, even after a relay race from Woodstock to NYC and a Tahoe Triple, I still am hoping to do the New York City Marathon with Team for Kids all over again!

2010 shou… WILL  be a wonderful  year and I can’t wait to get started!

Happy running and thanks for all the support! HAPPY 2010!

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